
Greg Miller - Director
Phone: 812.2886451 ext 2167
Lower your utility bills with Weatherization
Weatherization is a program that permanently lowers utility bills by providing energy saving home improvements such as air sealing, insulation, and furnace tune-ups. In addition to
saving money, these home improvements frequently make homes more comfortable, healthier, and safer.
How does a person
Households that apply to the Energy Assistance Program (EAP) can apply for the Weatherization program at the same time simply by indicating their interest on the EAP application. No additional application is required. Households who are not interested in applying for EAP are encouraged to apply online through You may request a paper application by calling (812) 288-6451 extension 8013. Applicants will be placed on a waiting list and prioritized based on household income and whether a resident is elderly, disabled, or a child.
What is the process
for Weatherization?
When a home reaches the
top of the Weatherization waiting list, residents will be contacted either by phone or by mail. A brief walkthrough of the home will determine if it is a good candidate for the program. If it is, an energy auditor will conduct an thorough inspection to determine which home improvements will most effectively lower the utility bills. A contractor will then be contacted to complete the recommended measures.
Does it cost anything?
No. Weatherization is a fed-
erally funded program for low-income households and
it is provided free of charge.
What limitations does
Weatherization have?
Weatherization is not a home rehabilitation, remodeling, or furnace replacement program. While Weatherization can sometimes do some home repairs, these repairs must be linked to energy saving measures that will lower utility bills.