Amanda Chandler - Coordinator

Phone: 812.288.6451 Ext:2112


Indiana Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Program

The Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Commission exists to prevent and reduce the use of all tobacco products in Indiana and to protect citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke. The Commission will coordinate and allocate resources from the Commission to:

  • Change the cultural perception and social acceptability of tobacco use in Indiana
  • Prevent initiation of tobacco use by Indiana youth
  • Assist tobacco users in cessation
  • Assist in reduction and protection from secondhand smoke
  • Support the enforcement of tobacco laws concerning the sale of tobacco to youth and use of tobacco by youth
  • Eliminate minority health disparities related to tobacco use and emphasize prevention and reduction of tobacco use by minorities, pregnant women, children, youth and other at-risk populations.

If you would like to join our Minority Health Advisory Board or would like to become a volunteer, please contact Pamela Clark (812) 812-288-6451 ext. 2135. for more information.

Curt Wells - Voice Adult Ally

Phone: 812-697-6780


VOICE Program

is a Youth Empowerment and Statewide Program with a mission to engage, educate and empower young people as leaders and advocates in Clark County. VOICE engineered campaigns are designed to directly equip teens with the tools to take action against the powerful, strategic, well-funded tobacco industry.

Visit Voice Indiana

If you know of any youth age 13-18, who would like to join the initiative, please have them contact Curt Wells at (812) 697-6780.