Head Start

Merry Striegel - Director
Phone: 812.288.6451 ext 2152
Email: mstriegel@casi1.org
Hours of class : 8am-2:30pm (Class in session-Monday thru Friday)
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
Head Start and Early Head Start Program
What is Head Start?
A center-based preschool program for ages 3-5 years that promotes school readiness and provides comprehensive services in early childhood education, health, nutrition, and parent engagement.
What is Early Head Start?
Early Head Start is program for pregnant mothers and children birth to 3 that promotes school readiness and combines services such as education, early childhood development, health, nutrition, mental health, disability services, family support, and parental involvement with the goal of enhancing the child’s life and building a strong family unit.
A center-based program for children 12 weeks to 35 months.
A home-based program for pregnant mothers and children birth to 3.
How Does The Program Work?
For our center-based option children attend class in our center base classrooms. Qualified teachers provide developmentally appropriate activities that promote a child’s cognitive, social emotional and physical growth to develop school readiness. Parent engagement in their child’s development and success are an integral part of participation in the program.
For our home-based option a qualified home visitor (teacher) will plan weekly visits with the family in the home that promote a child’s cognitive, social emotional and physical growth to develop school readiness. Parent engagement in their child’s development and success are an integral part of participation in the program.
How Do You Qualify For Head Start or Early Head Start?
To be enrolled in the program you must fill out an application and meet the following:
- income eligibility guidelines
- live in the service area of Clark County
- be pregnant OR/
- have a child(ren) who are five years of age or younger.